Secretaries of State to commit resources for Integrated Development Terrenas
INDOTEL, Education, Public Health, POLITUR, IDECOOP Make Presentations

Las Terrenas, August 25 ( José Bourget ) .-- The Mr. Luis Simó , deputy director of tourism for international affairs, began the work session where they presented the different service offerings and training a group of government offices, brought to Las Terrenas to support comprehensive tourism development community.
Representing the National Institute of Technical and Vocational Training (NFOTEP) was the Mr. Guillermo Peña advisor to the director general. Kelvin Rodriguez , project manager of the Dominican Institute of Telecommunications (INDOTEL) spoke about access to Information and Communications Technologies and efforts can be made to reduce the digital divide through the creation of Training and Information Centers (ICC).

The Mr. Luis Alberto Morilla , deputy director of environmental health in the Ministry of Public Health, spoke about the importance of surveys, vaccinations and training of the public who performs activities related to tourism, such as food vendors, street vendors and tourist guides and the availability of public health to repeat the success of such programs in Boca Chica.
The Ms. Esperanza Rodríguez IDECOOP the seat in Cotuí spoke about the value of cooperative programs, announcing the speedy opening of a regional office in San Francisco de Macoris and availability to provide guidance and materials for the organization of cooperatives in Las Terrenas. The
Col. Pablo Lugo Adames, national director of Politur and Abreu Colonel of the intelligence section nationally, talked about the basics of local security and efforts stemming from the government initiative and support of local citizens committed to the future of tourism in Las Terrenas, while promised to continue efforts to turn Las Terrenas in a safe area for the enjoyment of Dominicans and foreigners alike.
Finally, Mr. Luis Simó presented his notes on the development of a quality tourist destination, emphasizing the components of infrastructure, awareness, comencialización, training, extension activities and products of tourism. Focused on the need for immediate action, tourism awareness, ecological and cultural factors and image, while emphasizing the importance of the business sector plays an important role in the development of a quality tourist destination. The meeting was attended by community leaders, workers, business, educational, ecclesiastical and the general public including foreign citizens.
were also present municipal trustee José Alexis Martinez, the deputy provincial Jose Acevedo Riquelme Ortiz and on behalf of the provincial governor Elsa de Leon .
Commission members Monitoring also attended and were responsible for coordinating the event. They were drull Mary, Mary Arsenio de Jesus, Juan Martin, Luis Moses Vanderhorst, Dionisio Martinez, Melanio Rivera and José Bourget (coordinator). Any citizen interested in the future comprehensive Las Terrenas want to join the committee can do so by contacting any member, or by calling the coordinator at 809.386.3086, or by writing to .
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