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Please use this space to share ideas, comments, or options regarding the key question: what is the desired future for Las Terrenas as a tourist destination over the next ten years?
- Please focus on practical responses, alternatives, solutions and possibilities.
- If you know of resources, internal or external organizations or foundations that can assist the community in their quest for an ideal tourist future please share them here. They will then be compiled and given to advertising.
- all know the problems, but if you mention any in particular please offer ideas on fixing them.
- Include your name, email and phone if we want more information from you about your ideas or comments.
IMPORTANT REUNION: August 24-26, with Mr. Luis Simó of the Ministry of Tourism and representatives from other ministries and agencies. The place and time will be announced más tarde.
Please use this space to share ideas, comments or possibilities in regard to the key question at hand: what is the desired future in tourism for Las Terrenas within the next ten years?
- Please focus on practical answers, alternatives, solutions or possibilities;
- If you know of resources--in country or not, of organizations or foundations that could assist the community in its pursuit of an ideal future for its tourist potential please include them in your response. They will be compiled and shared with the public.
- We know all about the Problems, But if you mention please kindly offer Any ideas about how to address it or solve it.
- Please include your name, electronic mail address and telephone number in case we wish to make contact with you again to your idea weitere pursuit.
IMPORTANT MEETING: Augsut 24-26, with Mr. Luis Simó from the State Tourism Secretariat and Representatives from Other Government Agencies and Organizations. Place and time will be announced later.
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