Tourists and residents live under the continuous wonder of the tremendous growth experienced by our community. As an example, I arrived in Las Earth almost four years ago, when the hills of Cosón had perhaps a dozen houses built by foreigners, but today there are at least 50 and growing. There were three main squares and there are now completed and under construction around ten. There was a large supermarket, a recently closed a couple of supermercaditos here and there. Today there are two large supermarkets
business expansions and Domínguez Motors, Hardware Competition and European construction of new condominiums are added to other expansions of even greater significance, such as the new highway to Santo Domingo, airport of El Catey to be inaugurated on 6 November and the country club and golf course.
The worst curse for a community is the constant development blessing. The development moves the money, but economic growth without human development is a poison that slowly but surely can destroy a community. That is why the town should work with management based on values, defining values \u200b\u200band principles for living together in society. On this basis, municipal management can be identified as guided by humanizing values, values \u200b\u200bor dehumanizing, or simply as a value-free management.
The development has three angles: first, the past development, and second, the present development, and third, the development potential.
Past Development
If you look at last ask yourself, "Will the last municipal efforts

Present Development
If you look at this, it is too early to make trial because the authorities here have just reached the chapter and have not fully shows whether they are acting based on values \u200b\u200bor not, or what those values. It would have been better to go with a master plan already outlined and known by the public for all to search procediéramos common citizen welfare on the basis of values \u200b\u200brecognized and sucked together.
Potential Development
What remains for us is to look at potential development. The potential development going inventory or all resources and all the aspirations within the community, so that the potential is realized to benefit as many people as possible. Securities
A values-driven municipal function promotes balance in the type of results obtained in the community so that economic development is more equitable and to avoid the terrible consequences of dehumanizing a pure economic exploitation, including human exploitation. Examples of values \u200b\u200bfor the municipal management:
First value: human dignity , the council is governed

Second value: honesty , establishing accounting practices and internal audit. Practical examples: a) making public finances and transparent, b) identifying all income sources and amounts, both formal and informal, c) providing periodic reports so that feel respected munícipes creating an exemplary precedent while avoiding despeluznante fall under the shadow of corruption.
third value: efficiency, promoting effective use of available resources and avoiding waste. Practical example: the speed bump at the intersection of Carmen Street to Main Street opposite the mall Polanco, repaired 3 or 4 times without success and today is a disgrace and a source of danger. How is it that in 2006 a tourist town on the height of Las Terrenas, have a speed bump like that at the intersection of its two main streets? The municipality can not afford to misuse its scarce resources, it is best to do the job right from the beginning because in the long run more effective and costs less.
fourth value: the suntentabilidad , operating on the basis of sustainable business plan yet, clear parameters for purposes of short, medium and long term. In other words, it is known already, in terms of management (finance, equipment, personnel), where the administration of the municipality is within the next three months, six months, nine months a year, etc. Practical example: in three months to resolve the problem of garbage in the main streets, in six months to resolve the problem of garbage in the streets of urban area in nine months to resolve the problem of informal dumps on roads and mountains, and in twelve months of a general implementation plan essentially technical and professional waste management, including a proper sanitary landfill and a system of collection, recycling and management the waste. Improvisation prevents people who say that is what is needed is to bring trucks and landfills in each corner. Litter is the biggest and best business of the municipality, but to benefit from it the council needs a business plan, efficient and sustainable.

A) It is obvious that everyone in Las Terrenas we benefit from the best beaches in the country, the Caribbean and among the best in the world. These beaches are a recreational runner ranging from Cosón up the sides of the barbecue, which ends the city limits. Apart from the beaches, Las Terrenas could become a destination for sports tourism, both aquatic and other areas, such as the open field, cycling and triathlon is an individual sport and resistance to swimming meets, the bicycle and foot races. A recreational runner diversity make the maximum use of domestic resources, diversify also the kind of tourist who comes to us and creating better opportunities for personal development for youth.
B) In addition to recreational corridor that the community needs a cultural corridor , a way to preserve what has been and what it is, culturally, and make a point of attraction for both residents and tourists. A proper cultural corridor, in my opinion, the greatest hidden treasure is Las Terrenas, for their great potential for sustainable development, human development and to create balance of supply. Enhances culture and we must remember that a tourism operation as presently in Las Terrenas, demeans and degrades. Adding a cultural corridor to existing recreational corridor would help produce a better balance at the same time create jobs, sources of pride and personal dignity and enrichment for children, youth and adults. What would be good if in addition to the beaches, bars and sex work, there were also cultural events such as theater, music, folk dancing, crafts, displays of artwork and why not, offers a spiritual and integral human development?
C) In addition to running recreational and cultural corridor, Las Terrenas could benefit from an ecological corridor . Our community seems to have the perfect combination of beaches, mountains, caves, waterfalls, waterfalls, rivers, trails, vegetation, wetlands, streams and trails. Ecotourism is the most promising, the fastest growing global and Las Terrenas could become a major destination for eco-tourism on the island. Imagine you can put Las Terrenas Dominican Republic in the world map of eco-tourism and begin to compete with the five major ecotourism destinations are Costa Rica in Central America, Kenya in East Africa, Madagascar, southeastern Africa, Nepal in Central Asia and Ecuador in South America. There is no major eco-tourism in the Caribbean and Las Terrenas could be that destination. All these possibilities are created when a value of municipal management called "diversification."
Conclusion There are many other values, the important thing is to know, discover and promote municipal management based on uplifting and humanizing values, not purely managerial, not only economic and not simply political.
A municipal management based on values \u200b\u200bis extremely difficult, it's easier to improvise because of that we are experts. We like to a bridge there to cross, but do not know where it ends and what to expect the other side. We started to cross the bridge but it seems to move left and right, up and down. With an unknown fate across the bridge and the bridge itself calambrina suffering we will make it very difficult to cross, especially because behind us is tremendous Patana honking and saying "Get out of here means I have to go."
In the lout who can not control because we sent her another, the visible and hidden powers, political and economic, to the municipal disastrous legacy of the past, before the start lashing out blindly at a destination we do not know what will be or whether we'll like what we need is to choose strong and clear values \u200b\u200bfor humanizing and several municipal management.
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