INFOTEP Ministry of Tourism and Strategic plans are initiated
By Joseph Bourget
Las Terrenas, July 21 . Las Terrenas, a community growing and rapidly developing tourism should become the author of his own destiny in regard to the tourist market rate to convert. This is Mr. Luis Simó said during his recent visit to Las Terrenas. To reach the most appropriate model for the community is necessary to prepare a strategic plan that the community itself has the lead, "otherwise external forces will take over what will have happen here, "the official said.
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Noting the need that the community itself and not external forces or powerful economic forces that define the future of Las Terrenas, emphasized Mr. Simó in all strategic areas of the community should participate in a process of constructive dialogue to develop a Las Terrenas self-image as a tourist destination attractive, profitable and sustainable. He said that the best tourist markets are attracted to ecotourism and integrated, because Tourists do not want to stay locked up in their rooms, but who want to get to know people, their culture, its music, its environment, its crafts, its rhythms, its arts and its food. "I think that Las Terrenas is a market for all-inclusive tourism, but mainly a market for small hotels," he said, while pointing out that the community must decide on the best ways to bring security, decoration, cleaning and development ecological existing natural attractions.

Strategic Plan Described in its simplest, the strategic plan seeks to establish a master development plan for the next ten years. Such a plan would be drafted by the community itself, benefiting from the contributions of all stakeholders can provide but without losing sight of the greater welfare for the community itself.

Mr. Guillermo Peña explained that the INFOTEP seeks to link the technical and professional training with empredurismo, so that each benefited and benefited from a training workshop to become a manager or managing your own business. He explained further that the INFOTEP looking to start a program to encourage small business creation, which he described as an "incubator." This would mean that each project technical and professional training to become the gateway to the economic development of the participants.

supports Mr. Joseph Alexis Martinez, trustee elected by the LDP, was present at the meeting and thanked both the visit and offers of assistance to community benefits and plan their future. He indicated that his office will be open to such initiatives and to give its support everything that means development and progress for Las Terrenas. He took the time to report on the new aqueduct to The Almond and the formalities with a Belgian company for purchase of refuse containers and compactor trucks for garbage disposal,,,,

broad representation and Good Results
During the July 21 meeting was attended also by Mr. Luis Simó, Lt. Col. Pablo Lugo Adames security adviser seconded to the Ministry of Tourism, Mr. Guillermo Peña, an adviser to the Directorate General INFOTEP, Mr. Agron. Joaquin Morel, manager Northeast delegation in the northern regional management INFOTEP, like Luisa Solis Holingshead and Keila team of Mr. Simo. The meeting took place in the reading room Anacaona Community Library sponsored by the Foundation Mahatma Gandhi.
Also present were Ms. Alejandra drull of the Secretary of State for Women of Las Terrenas, who along with Dr. Jose Bourget Mahatma Gandhi Foundation, coordinated the event. In addition, Melanio Rivera of the Catholic Church, Ms. Kristine Holley Peace Corps and Mahatma Gandhi Foundation, Luis Moses Vanderhorst taxi association ASOCHOTRATUTENA, Mr. Santiago Felix Mota representing Dr. Camilo Medina Sugar Foundation, the Mayor of the Navy Ventura José de Jesús Calderón, who is one of the three local commanders POLITUR, Mr. Braulio Vásquez of the local tourist office, Prof. Dionisio Castillo Lora, Mr. Eduardo Miralles and Bernard Rigaud Orts newspaper LT-7, Mr. Fernando Medina and Ms. Mary both Digma Sugar Foundation, Mr. Bladimir del Monte and Ms. Flor Alicia Vega Cable Channel 10, Ms. Juana Mars Church of Prophecy, Mr. Juan Carela and Ms. Carmen Carrasco Samaná City Council, Mr. Dionisio Martínez (Pijin), Mr. Angel Peña Alvarado Participation Samana citizen, Mr. Marcos Manzueta and Mr. José Alexis Martinez, elected trustee of the town of Las Terrenas.

Those who participated in the meeting were shared good news about the involvement of other government portfolios and INFOTEP workshops intend to bring to the community. In particular the participants appreciated the consistent manner in which Mr. Simo and his team have been visiting Las Terrenas, both in terms of safety and community development in the short, medium and long term.
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