Virus, who is to blame, Windows or the user?
In a talk these days about the virus is much talk about who is to blame to spread as quickly, infecting as many computers in the world.
before I would be good to see is a Virus, this is not more than a program, common as any other, only that the intention is not desired by the user, ie Viruses are programs that generally disrupt the workings of a PC. But they are still just that, programs written by people like any other save the intentions of its creator.
The issue is that usually the virus uses social engineering to breed, that is tricking the user masquerading as another program.
Then we have the subject here, the virus usually needs to execute, if there was a virus on a pc is because someone runs it. It is critical that users be careful when opening files, the source, that way they come, weight, etc.
SO state is the job of all this?, No, actually the task of operating system such as Windows only communicate with the hardware, ie Windows is the graphical interface so you can use the modem and connect to Internet, otherwise you would not know how to communicate with you?
OS is not the job of preventing the user to user is therefore 80% if Windows has had some drama was the user's fault, I use Windows all the time, never gave me dramas, never had a virus, in fact I have no antivirus, you have to use only common sense to know that open files and what not, know where it comes from, if a reliable source, if we waited a file.
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