The computer has many other applications besides those usually know. In this article you will find good examples ...
A) Technological advances in the service of those with a disability

The CEAPAT (Centre for Personal Autonomy and Assistive Technology, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs) has as one of its primary goals the empowering of people with disabilities by developing technology for daily life activities and adaptation of tools and jobs. 70% of queries received by this agency are related to adaptation of the computer to specific cases.
The computer plays a key role in school integration of children who, for example, can not draw or write (but can use the computer through a switch). It is also very useful for speech therapists in the area of \u200b\u200btreatment and outcome. But most of the time, the interest is in the particular application.
B) Adaptation of computers

It is also possible to use a single button that provides access to a keyboard and mouse on the screen, keyboard case Edicinco Emulator for MS-DOS and Macintosh Kennx. In both the button works as a scanning system, whereby the user is moving from a parent to other smaller and smaller, until you select the desired symbol on the screen. It is a slow system, but for some people is the only way to access the computer. On the other hand
speech synthesis systems make it possible for people with speech difficulties to communicate by telephone, by translating computer written text into speech. It is also possible that people with visual impairments can hear what they write programs for the ONCE Speech and IBM. It is also possible the reverse case, for example, IBM offers a voice recognition program in the Windows environment in which the computer as the user writes with the voice tells him. Dragon Systems program can handle his voice around the Windows environment.
also useful to provide computers for the development of disabled people are the environmental control system, allowing direct all types of electronic devices inside the house: volume of the TV or stereo, turn the channel, hanging / pick up the phone, a blind regular, light or change the room temperature. The three modes of access are: Through the keyboard, through voice commands or via a button. Orders are transmitted from the computer either by cable or infrared.
Virtual Reality Virtual reality can be considered as the use of computers to allow people to enter a three-dimensional artificial world. Some scientists say that virtual reality can have many applications in science. For example, explore the planet Mars distance. At the University of Oviedo is a web page with links of interest on this subject.
Virtual reality allows a person interact with an environment created by computer, as if it were real. The user wears a helmet that covers his eyes and a proper suit, connected to a computer. When the user moves his head or move your hands or body, viewed through the eyes, changes accordingly. Graphic images are not perfect, but it moves at a rapid pace.
Virtual reality also finds its place in serving the disabled. One example is the work of Paul Wilson and Nigel Foreman at the University of Leicester, which show that the virtual representation of a building can serve as a learning area for handicapped children. The Department of Psychology at the University of Leicester aims training children to explore a building (to locate emergency exits, fire extinguishers, ...) through a virtual reality environment to play all the facilities. The idea is that learning can be applied later in the actual building.
The user moves with six degrees of freedom: from side to side, up and down, up front to back, and rotating within these axes. With regard to information about the spatial location can leeer in a display panel. Experiments were conducted with disabled children aged between 7 and 11 years. The findings were satisfactory, these children gave clear signs of having learned the spatial organization of the building, showing highly accurate in identifying the actual building, recognizing routes and locating objects.
D) Typhlotechnology
This word comes from Greek, meaning tiflo blind. Designates the set of techniques to aid the visually impaired get a better quality of life, focusing on greater personal autonomy and ease of development in their daily lives.
typhlotechnical In Unit, ONCE has created a system that allows access to the information contained on the computer screen by passing the information to Braille. Another product is the PC spoken, which is a pocket personal computer without the keyboard and screen consists of eleven keys that correspond to the Braille dots. It has the same functions as a PC, and also acts as spoken agenda.
E) personal guidance system for blind
Currently there are several sets of guidance or assistance to blind people, all focused on avoiding obstacles (from the guide dog ultrasonic sensors). But payments based on global positioning system satellite are developing very fast.
Teachers Jack Loomis and RG Golledge, University of California, are investigating a Personal Guidance System (PGS), designed as a practical aid for the blind on the road. Its aim is to create a portable, self-enabling the blind to navigate through all types of environments.
The main functions of this system are: to inform the user of its position and orientation in relation to space that is touring, providing data about the surroundings and act as a guide through a preset path. The parties that make up are: a pocket computer, a headset, an electronic compass and a GPS antenna on the head. You can also add a virtual sound device, whereby the user is informed of the objects in the road, within its sound spectrum. Another addition is the sensor ultrasound to detect unexpected obstacles.
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