Quarterly Report, November 24, 2006
Prepared by Joseph Bourget Coordinator
This report is published at the end of the first quarter of functions of the Commission for
a) inform the public, b) encourage others to join our efforts and c) promote synergy between individuals and related organizations .
terreneros@yahoo.com , http://terreneros.blogspot.com/ , 809.386.3086.

An organization focused on developing integrated resort in Las Terrenas.
Where We're Going Towards a Tourism Council of Las Terrenas. Together with the Monitoring Committees in the rest of the province (Samaná, Sánchez, Las Galeras and El Limon in training) will help promote better conditions for tourism throughout the province and support the creation of a Provincial Tourism Council (in formation). Future actions
The Tourism Council of Las Terrenas and the Provincial Council support the actions of tourism planning in the area directed from the SECTUR but with a participatory approach and community. All social activities are coordinated through the current Steering Committee (see below) respond to this scheme. We
A popular and representative assembly. The next meeting will be Thursday, November 30 at the Community Library Anacaona. Membership in the Commission is open, we invite all individuals and bodies involved in the development of Las Terrenas integral as a tourist destination.

know ... there are many individuals and private organizations and officials are also looking for goals and results similar to those of the Monitoring Committee. We invite all those entities to work together for better coordination of activities and more effective use of available resources. Contact the coordinator of the Commission, José Bourget at 809.386.3086 to join this important initiative.
Current Projects and Initiatives and Plans
1. Technical and Professional Development, offering workshops INFOTEP. Results:
a. 110 graduates of hotel receptionist workshops, crafts and English. B.
90 enrolled in courses for waiters in hotel (bar, restaurant and room), Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Basic English.
2. Literacy project to eradicate illiteracy in three years. Results:
a. Obtain training materials of the Ministry of Education
b. Coordination of training of trainers on 11 December 2006. C.
Set a goal of 100 trainers and 2000 are literate in 2007.

a. Presence of business in meetings with Mr. Luis Simo and his team. B.
Encouragement of local entrepreneurs. C.
Constant invitations to be members of the Commission. D.
Integration of Mr. Gerard Prystasz
4. Increase in the quality of tourism, diversifying and improving offers, new training tour guides and tour operators. Results:
a. Visit of the President of OPETUR and education in charge of the Secretariat of Tourism scheduled for December 6-8. B.
Meeting of tourist guides and tour operators, including tourism enterprises slated for early 2007.

a. Proposal submitted by the Mahatma Gandhi Foundation INDOTEL to be re-submitted in January. B.
Proposal submitted by the Mahatma Gandhi Foundation Office of the First Lady in May 2006, currently underway.
6. Public Safety, to promote joint actions POLITUR, the Supreme Court, the Attorney General's Office, the Department National Drug Control and National Police. Results:
a. Two meetings SECTUR / POLITUR with local entrepreneurs. B.
Reports submitted to SECTUR
c. Ongoing strategy. D.
Presentation to employers of activities including equipment POLITUR partial local detachment.

a. Visit CENADARTE director for 6 to 8 December 2006.
8. Cooperatives, local authorities organized under the cooperative concept. Results:
a. Three visits by the charge of IDECOOP to Las Terrenas. B.
Initial discussions Taxi Association with the charge of IDECOOP.
9. Urban planning, assisting in the overall community design, including architecture, services, transport and development of urban and rural areas. Results:
a. Architect provided by SECTUR scheduled for next visit. B.
Collection project plans and ideas before and establish process for future reference.
10. Cultural and recreational programs, establishing a program of cultural, artistic, ecological, recreational and sporting activities. Results:
a. Contact with the Ministry of Culture to attract
i. programs and craft workshops (CENADARTE)
ii. dance and theater
iii. creation of a National School Free Schools
iv. rates for the National Film v.
creating a local band and local music school,
vi. Offers Children and Youth Directorate in the form of workshops, seminars and training of local team
b. Early contact with related organizations, local, national and foreign.
11. Vendors, identifying, training, cleaning up and properly directing all sales and food service vendors. Results:
a. Three visits in charge of Public Health and the initial draft of the program earlier this year.
12. Hospital Groups, improving their facilities and correct current problems. Results:
a. Survey of current conditions, sub-committee formed for such purposes.
13. Civil society, encouraging the creation of local organizations and strengthening existing ones. Results:
a. Mahatma Gandhi Foundation seeks funding for community projects. B.
Support for newly founded organizations like the Association of University Students and Alumni and the Global Justice group.
14. Ornato and ordering Road, Street signs, regulation of parking areas, improving pedestrian and correcting critical areas. Results:
a. SECTUR contact Public Works with technical visit scheduled for early December. B.
First draft of the signage plan.
15. Education Management, creating bank staff trained and job offers. Results:
a. Dialogue launched to build a database from INFOTEP and the Office of the Secretary of Labor for such purposes.
16. Education, support and promote efforts to improve basic and secondary education, while seeking the creation of technical and professional post-secondary level. Results:
a. Support activities scheduled to start focusing 2007.

17. POLITUR, strengthen their equipment and assist in building their local facilities. Results:
a. Regular visits POLITUR National Director in the Commission's regular meetings with Mr. Luis Simó. B.
Private meetings with the Director of POLITUR local tourism entrepreneurs. C.
Increased equipment (transport, weapons, communication) in the local budget.
18. COMSATUR, support the creation of Provincial Health Council and Tourism and initiate environmental health seminars aimed at street vendors. Results:
a. Committee formed in Santa Bárbara de Samaná on November 3, 2006.
19. PROMYPIME, promoting small and medium enterprises through loans and facilities. Results:
a. Activities planned for early 2007.
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