Oscar Espiritusanto Founder and Director of periodismociudadano. com , pioneer page dedicated to information in English on the concept of citizen journalism. A project open to all who wish to participate by sending news, blogs, comment or discussion on this new form of journalism. President of the Citizens Communication Association has as its purpose the promotion, development and promotion of all measures that contribute to the development citizen communication, and especially of his best social and personal uses. Responsible for marketing and communication Fresqui.com , one of the leaders of so-called new media (web 2.0). He worked as an Agent of Technological Innovation and CDT Coordinator Internet.net (Technology Dissemination Centre) under the Internet Boosts Business Association, which is a partner. On the other hand, maintains his personal blog EspirituDigital.com. In short, a restless journalist, passionate about new technologies, innovation and the benefits of Internet shows and we will show in the environment communication.
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